Shipping Methods (Tracking included)


Once your order shipped, we will send you an email with a tracking number and link for your shipment. Tracking numbers are not assigned at the time of order. The best way to find the location of your order during shipping is by using the tracking information located in your Shipment Confirmation email. If your order has passed the estimated ship date, and you do not have tracking information, please contact us via email

We offer different shipping methods . You can choose your preferred method on the checkout page.

The cost of shipping varies based on the shipping method selected.

Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time.

The processing time varies based on the items you buy.

  • Standard items: 1-3 business days
  • Pre-order items: until the date back in stock, varied for each product due to pattern complexity (usually 7-15 business days)


Location Free shipping condition Standard Shipping Time Express shipping domestic 48 US states Standard shipping flat rate
Express shipping flat rate
Domestic 48 US states From $100 4-7 business days 3-5 business days From $4.99 From $7.5
Canada N/A 7-12 business days N/A $15 N/A
Rest of the world N/A 15-20 business days N/A $35 N/A

* Orders are typically processed within 1 to 3 business days of when the order is placed (excluding holidays). A shipping confirmation email along with the tracking number will be sent to customers once the order has shipped.